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Peruvian Andean Leaf Powder, Natural Energizing - Bag x 500 gr : Peruvian andean flour / powder is a natural product obtained from pulverized andean leaves, prevents bone diseases such as osteoporosis. It has been proven to andean flour has more than 2000 milligrams of calcium (per 100 grams), more quantity containing the milk or cheese.

Benefits of Andean Leaf Flour:

- it is ideal to prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis.. Anemia can be combated with this product, because it has lots of iron and vitamin B. The latter is absorbed in large quantities very easily by the body, so is it a great dietary supplement for anemic or not They eat well. It also increases the defenses.

- The problems of triglycerides and high cholesterol can also start an effective shortly begin consuming andean flour decline. Furthermore, also it regulates glucose and blood pressure.

- It is indicated for people who suffer from depression, it helps raise the spirits and feel better emotionally. It can also be administered to children with hyperactivity, because there has been significant changes in their behavior.

Take 1-3 tablespoons in juice, milk, cereal or water.


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