- Stock: Out Of Stock
- Weight: 130.00g
- Location: PERU
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In the current herbal medicine, cat's claw is used around the world for different diseases, including immune disorders, gastritis, ulcers, cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatic disorders, neuralgias, chronic inflammations of all kinds, and viral diseases such as the herpes zoster (shingles). The cat's claw (U. tomentosa) is a long and parra woody and his name derives from the thorns in the shape of hook that grow along the parra and are similar to the nails a cat. Is native to the Amazon jungle and other tropical areas of South America and Central America.
Natural Properties
*Antiinflammatory:thanks to the quinóvicos glucósidos. A 15 per cent higher than the indomethacin. Useful in rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis diverse, bursitis, reumas, lupus and fibromialgias.
*Anti-free radical: effective in inflammatory processes, cancerous, febrile states and exposure to ionizing radiation.
*Antimutágena and citostática: action due to the isorincofilina. Inhibits the DNA polymerases alpha. The mitosis of cells H,L are reduced, while those of the normal fibroblasts do not alter. Ütil in cancer, in vivo, avoiding the metastasis.
*Antiviral: especially against the ARN-virus encapsulated. Useful against the aids virus HIV, genital herpes and shingles, sinusitis, otitis, virus of vesicular stomatitis, conjunctivitis.
*Desentoxicante of environmental toxins: effective in chronic fatigue, depression, organic acne.
*Anafrodisíaca for men: useful in prostatitis, regulator of the cycle,, dismenorrea. However the dye of Uncaria is afrodisíaca not suffer the maceration an elevated temperature, as is the case in other preparations. The decocciones, then, have an effect, i.e. , anafrodisíaco.
*Antiagregante plaquetaria: due to the rincofilina. Prevents stroke, heart attacks, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, etc. Protector of eritrocitos against toxic.