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Naturandes - Maca and Soy Flour Powder , Bag x 340 gr : Soy is a food that is consumed for a long time and recognizing multiple health benefits. Currently, thanks to the spread of organisms as American Soy Association several investigations that highlight the benefits of soy in health
Natural Properties:
- It is considered a food superior, healthy, energy, reconstituyente, invigorating and stimulating natural, capable of being consumed by children, youth, people and the elderly.
- Activate neurons revitalizing the brain functions.
- Because of it's content of estrogens, alkaloids, glucosinolate flavonoides and phytohormone:
*is considered a stimulant natural hypothalamus and hypophisis and these in turn of the endocrine glands as thyroid, pancreas, adrenal, ovaries and testes, to produce hormones necessary to maintain the homeostasis of the human body
*Favors the reproductive capacity of the couple
*Controls the menstrual pain
*relieves the symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, changes the nature, etc.
*Regulates the cholesterol, reducing the LDL or "bad" colesterolla sum of estrogens, phytohormone and other substances such as the glucosinolate alkaloids, etc. act improving libido sexual.
*is considered a stimulant natural hypothalamus and hypophisis and these in turn of the endocrine glands as thyroid, pancreas, adrenal, ovaries and testes, to produce hormones necessary to maintain the homeostasis of the human body
*Favors the reproductive capacity of the couple
*Controls the menstrual pain
*relieves the symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, changes the nature, etc.
*Regulates the cholesterol, reducing the LDL or "bad" colesterolla sum of estrogens, phytohormone and other substances such as the glucosinolate alkaloids, etc. act improving libido sexual.
The Soy
The Soy is leguminous an original one of Asia. One cultivates in climates temperings, although also it supports the cold.
Some of their functions are the repair of weaves of the growth, and replaces the cells died by natural process. 46% of this legume are PROTEIN, whereas the meat only has a 20% and menestras between 18 and 25%. In addition, well it is balanced in AMINO ACIDS. With respect to LIPIDS it owns between 16 and 20% of high quality, being a 85% of this insaturable, are worth to say that it is not synthesized by the man.
It is rich in LINOLEIC, fatty acid that is LECITINA SOYA. It owns in addition a 40% to other nutritious substances. It has more calcium and iron than milk. But we must remember that one is due to follow a correct process of cleaning and baking to inactivate the three nonnutritional substances that soya has: the lipoxigenosa, lioxidasa